After permitting my bitch the pleasure of idolizing my footwear and feet. I left him to wriggle, as theres no escape and hes getting extremely hot wrapped inside his tight clingfilm mummification. I have returned to once more make him suffer. Hes making a lot of noise, and I have decided to shut him up. I sit on my chair, and again allow him the luxury of smelling my beautiful feet and he also makes a useful footstool. As he tries to speak, I quickly place my hands over his mouth, Its good to see the panic in his eyes as I tighten my grip and he gasps for air. I alternate between my hands and feet, giving him a good smothering. As I rest my feet over his mouth,I have decided to keep him in his cocoon for the rest of the day. Im going to enjoy another cigarette while I contemplate other ways to make my shoe worm .
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