You, Katelyns bro, come home with your gf because your parents arent home. However, you werent expecting anyone to be home - not even your sis Katelyn. Right when she sees you shes not glad, shes still upset about that argument you guys had. To get you back she shrinks you and your gf down in size. By using her finger Once youre both little she picks you up and places you on the pursue that she was lounging on. She slips off her high high-heeled shoes to get a little more convenient. She informs you that youll be living as her foot slave for the rest of your and shes not kidding either! You find yourself trapped defenselessly under the toes and the ball of your siss foot while madly worrying about your gf. Katelyn momentarily left behind about your gf. She was ideally until Katelyn noticed how you kept attempting to check on her. Katelyn thanks you for the reminder and after pawing you both under foot she takes your gf and slowly traces her up her leg, past her belly, and to her mouth all while asking her what she thinks is going to happen. Katelyn then licks your girlfriend and tortures her with licks. With your girlfriend squirming and swimming in your siss saliva, fighting for her life, she then tells you more details about whats happening to her. She asks what you think. Should she bite her in half? Swallow her whole? She tells you not to dare asking for her life to be spared and continues to torture the both of you. Katelyn decides shell swallow her whole that way she travels down her throat and into her belly. That way shell get to live the longest, isnt that what you want? No? You dont want her to suffer? Too bad! Katelyn then takes even more control of the situation and fucks you with her foot while she fucks your girlfriend with her mouth. She makes you both cum, but you girlfriend does get swallowed. She brings your girlfriend out of her mouth and with you stuck to your siss toe, she makes you to have one last kiss, and after one loud gulp, down your siss throat she goes. You thought that was going to be the end of it but Katelyns not done with you. She is quite serious about making you to be her foot slave for the rest of the time you live doing so. She picks you up and puts you in her open toed high heel shoe where you will serve her feet for the rest of the night. And if you survive it, dont think it will end there. She fully intends on bringing her date home and if youre still alive shes going to shove you deep inside her pussy right before he fucks her hard. You wont survive all the hard pounding and no way! This video features pov, shrunken man and woman props, bare feet, vore, and in-shoe.
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